Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well, the hands weren’t quite as bad as I thought. Were had to draw two hour-long drawings, one of a skeleton hand and the other a person’s hand. My skeleton hand turned out awful. I chose a really, really bad angle and all of the fingers were overlapping. On top of that, I generally have a really difficult time creating straight, clean lines (this is very clear in the drawings I posted last week). So it turned out to be an unrecognizable mess of charcoal lines. The other drawing was a bit more successful. It still has its problems. I think it is a bit elongated and the perspective is a bit off. Overall though, I think it was a great learning experience.

My manikin sits in my locker, untouched since last week. I am hoping to finish the muscle assignment tonight, but we will see. I have been hearing horror stories of this last muscle group. I fear that they will take me way longer than I would like them too. Ah well, what can you do. I do think the tendons look pretty cool once they are put on. And the arm as a whole really interests me. I am looking forward to polishing everything up this next weekend. As it stands my clay is very lumpy and unsightly.

I chose to include two of my drawings from last week. The first is an hour-long drawing of the whole body. It turned out pretty well, except that her knees changed position after the first half. So the knees look a little weird I think. I also decided to include my second hand drawing. I was having a hard time with the thumb. It kind stuck in, then the tip came back out at me and the whole thing twisted.

1 comment:

  1. Your hand drawing looks really nice! I am jealous that you thought drawing the human hand was easier than the skeletal hand! I wished it was easier for me! I had such a hard time getting it to look like fingers. In your hand drawing I like how you added a little cross contour lines to give it a roundness feel, but not too much though still making it look sketchy. I like that a lot about your piece.
